module.exports = { OWNER_IDS: ["334307216926703616", "1010905208391487548"], // Bot owner ID's SUPPORT_SERVER: "", // Your bot support server PREFIX_COMMANDS: { ENABLED: true, // Enable/Disable prefix commands DEFAULT_PREFIX: "kt?", // Default prefix for the bot }, INTERACTIONS: { SLASH: true, // Should the interactions be enabled CONTEXT: true, // Should contexts be enabled GLOBAL: true, // Should the interactions be registered globally TEST_GUILD_ID: "753500548656791573", // Guild ID where the interactions should be registered. [** Test you commands here first **] }, EMBED_COLORS: { BOT_EMBED: "#068ADD", TRANSPARENT: "#36393F", SUCCESS: "#00A56A", ERROR: "#D61A3C", WARNING: "#F7E919", }, CACHE_SIZE: { GUILDS: 10000, USERS: 1000000, MEMBERS: 1000000, }, MESSAGES: { API_ERROR: "Unexpected Backend Error! Try again later or contact support server", }, // PLUGINS AUTOMOD: { ENABLED: true, LOG_EMBED: "#36393F", DM_EMBED: "#36393F", }, DASHBOARD: { enabled: true, // enable or disable dashboard baseURL: "", // base url failureURL: "", // failure redirect url port: "3555", // port to run the bot on }, ECONOMY: { ENABLED: true, CURRENCY: "₪", DAILY_COINS: 1000, // coins to be received by daily command MIN_BEG_AMOUNT: 1000, // minimum coins to be received when beg command is used MAX_BEG_AMOUNT: 25000, // maximum coins to be received when beg command is used }, MUSIC: { ENABLED: true, IDLE_TIME: 120, // Time in seconds before the bot disconnects from an idle voice channel MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS: 100, DEFAULT_VOLUME: 50, // Default volume for the music player (0-100) DEFAULT_SOURCE: "ytsearch", // ytsearch = Youtube, ytmsearch = Youtube Music, spsearch = Spotify, scsearch = SoundCloud // Lavalink Websocket configuration LAVALINK_WS: { clientName: "Kiera-Bot", // The name of the lavalink client. resuming: true, // Whether Lavalink should attempt to resume existing sessions when reconnecting. reconnecting: { tries: 1000, // Number of times to attempt reconnecting. delay: 20000 // Delay } }, // Add any number of lavalink nodes here LAVALINK_NODES: [ { info: { host: "", port: 80, auth: "lavalinkv4", secure: false, }, id: "Indonesia V4 Not secure", }, { info: { host: "", auth: "lavalinkv4", port: 433, secure: true, }, identifier: "Indonesia V4 Secure" }, ], }, GIVEAWAYS: { ENABLED: true, REACTION: "🎁", START_EMBED: "#FF468A", END_EMBED: "#FF468A", }, IMAGE: { ENABLED: true, BASE_API: "", }, INVITE: { ENABLED: true, }, MODERATION: { ENABLED: true, EMBED_COLORS: { TIMEOUT: "#102027", UNTIMEOUT: "#4B636E", KICK: "#FF7961", SOFTBAN: "#AF4448", BAN: "#D32F2F", UNBAN: "#00C853", VMUTE: "#102027", VUNMUTE: "#4B636E", DEAFEN: "#102027", UNDEAFEN: "#4B636E", DISCONNECT: "RANDOM", MOVE: "RANDOM", }, }, PRESENCE: { ENABLED: true, // Whether or not the bot should update its status STATUS: "online", // The bot's status [online, idle, dnd, invisible] TYPE: "LISTENING", // Status type for the bot [PLAYING | LISTENING | WATCHING | COMPETING] MESSAGE: "/play with {members} members in {servers} servers", // Your bot status message }, STATS: { ENABLED: true, XP_COOLDOWN: 5, // Cooldown in seconds between messages DEFAULT_LVL_UP_MSG: "{member:tag}, You just advanced to **Level {level}**", }, SUGGESTIONS: { ENABLED: true, // Should the suggestion system be enabled EMOJI: { UP_VOTE: "⬆️", DOWN_VOTE: "⬇️", }, DEFAULT_EMBED: "#4F545C", APPROVED_EMBED: "#43B581", DENIED_EMBED: "#F04747", }, TICKET: { ENABLED: true, CREATE_EMBED: "#068ADD", CLOSE_EMBED: "#068ADD", }, };