mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 04:55:58 +08:00
i fixed it
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const { EmbedBuilder, ApplicationCommandOptionType } = require("discord.js");
const { MESSAGES, EMBED_COLORS } = require("@root/config");
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
* @type {import("@structures/Command")}
@ -39,91 +39,116 @@ module.exports = {
* @param {import('discord.js').Message} param0
* @param {string} query ☺
async function getLyric({ client, guild, member }, query) {
const player = client.musicManager.players.resolve(guild.id);
if (!player) {
return "🚫 There's no active music player in this server.";
let track;
const node = player.node;
/** @type {Response} */
let res;
try {
if (!query) {
// Get lyrics for currently playing song
if (!player.queue.current) {
return "🚫 No music is currently playing!";
track = player.queue.current;
/** @type { import('lavaclient').Player } */
const player = client.musicManager.players.resolve(guild.id);
if (!player) return "🚫 There's no active music player in this server.";
// Fetch lyrics for the current track
const lyricsUrl = `${node.rest.url}/v4/sessions/${node.sessionId}/players/${guild.id}/lyrics`;
const lyricsRes = await fetch(lyricsUrl, {
headers: { Authorization: node.rest.authorization }
if (!lyricsRes.ok) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch lyrics: ${lyricsRes.status} ${lyricsRes.statusText}`);
const lyrics = await lyricsRes.json();
return createLyricsEmbed(track, lyrics, member);
const api = player.node.api;
res = await api.client.execute({ path: `/v4/sessions/${player.api.session.id}/players/${guild.id}/lyrics`, method: 'GET' })
} else {
/** @type {import('lavaclient').ClusterNode} */
const [[, node]] = client.musicManager.nodes
const api = node.api
// Search for lyrics
const searchUrl = `${node.rest.url}/v4/lyrics/search?query=${encodeURIComponent(query)}`;
const searchRes = await fetch(searchUrl, {
headers: { Authorization: node.rest.authorization }
if (!searchRes.ok) {
throw new Error(`Failed to search lyrics: ${searchRes.status} ${searchRes.statusText}`);
const searchData = await searchRes.json();
if (!searchData || !searchData.tracks || searchData.tracks.length === 0) {
return "No lyrics found for the given query.";
track = searchData.tracks[0];
// Fetch lyrics for the found track
const lyricsUrl = `${node.rest.url}/v4/lyrics/${track.videoId}`;
const lyricsRes = await fetch(lyricsUrl, {
headers: { Authorization: node.rest.authorization }
if (!lyricsRes.ok) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch lyrics: ${lyricsRes.status} ${lyricsRes.statusText}`);
const lyrics = await lyricsRes.json();
return createLyricsEmbed(track, lyrics, member);
res = await api.client.execute({ path: `/v4/lyrics/search?query=${encodeURIComponent(query)}&source=genius`, method: 'GET' })
// throws error anyway
if (res.status === 404) return "Lyric not found"
if (!res.ok) throw new Error(`Failed to search lyrics: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`);
const lyricData = await res.json()
return createLyricsEmbed(lyricData, member);
} catch (error) {
client.logger.error("Lyric Command Error:", error);
return "An error occurred while fetching the lyrics. Please try again later.";
function createLyricsEmbed(track, lyrics, member) {
if (!lyrics || (!lyrics.lyrics && !lyrics.lines)) {
* @param {LyricResult} lyrics
* @param {import('discord.js').GuildMember} member
* @returns
function createLyricsEmbed(lyrics, member) {
if (!lyrics) {
return "No lyrics found for this song.";
const track = lyrics.track
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle(`${track.author} - ${track.title}`)
.setFooter({ text: `Requested by: ${member.user.username} | Source: ${lyrics.source || 'Unknown'}` });
.setFooter({ text: `Requested by: ${member} | Source: ${lyrics.source || 'Unknown'}` });
if (lyrics.lyrics) {
embed.setDescription(lyrics.lyrics.length > 4096 ? lyrics.lyrics.slice(0, 4093) + "..." : lyrics.lyrics);
} else if (lyrics.lines) {
const lyricsText = lyrics.lines.map(line => line.words).join('\n');
embed.setDescription(lyricsText.length > 4096 ? lyricsText.slice(0, 4093) + "..." : lyricsText);
const ltext = lyrics.type === 'text' ? lyrics.text : lyrics.lines.map(v => v.line).join('\n')
embed.setDescription(ltext.length > 4096 ? ltext.slice(0, 4093) + "..." : ltext);
return { embeds: [embed] };
* @typedef LyricResult
* @type {LyricResultBase & (LyricResultText | LyricResultTimed)}
* @typedef LyricResultBase
* @type {object}
* @property {LyricResultTrack} track
* @property {string} source
* @typedef LyricResultText
* @type {object}
* @property {'text'} type
* @property {string} text
* @typedef LyricResultTimed
* @type {object}
* @property {'time'} type
* @property {LyricResultLinePart[]} lines
* @typedef LyricResultLinePart
* @type {object}
* @property {string} line
* @property {number} start
* @property {number} end
* @typedef LyricResultTrack
* @type {object}
* @property {string} title
* @property {string} author
* @property {string | null} album
* @property {LyricResultTrackAlbumArt[]} albumArt
* @typedef LyricResultTrackAlbumArt
* @type {object}
* @property {string} url
* @property {number} width
* @property {number} height
Reference in New Issue
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