import React from "react"; import { DocsThemeConfig, useTheme } from "nextra-theme-docs"; const config: DocsThemeConfig = { gitTimestamp: false, useNextSeoProps: () => { return { titleTemplate: `%s - Nganime` }; }, faviconGlyph: "🚧", banner: { text: "🚧 The Nganime documentation is undergoing reconstruction. Please be patient for all features to be fully-documented. 🚧", }, logo: Nganime Documentation, project: { link: "", }, docsRepositoryBase: "", navbar: { extraContent: () => { const theme = useTheme(); return ( ); }, }, footer: { text: "Copyright (c) Nganime | 2023-present", }, //primaryHue: 100, head: function useHead() { const description = "Documentation and routes for Nganime API."; return ( <> ); }, } export default config;